I look at life as a colourful experience!


I was born a triplet. The first one was born in perfect size and with complete organs & was breathing perfectly. She was beautiful and everyone was in awe in her beauty. Unfortunately, while the team was focusing on delivering the second one, the first baby stopped breathing and quietly died in her sleep. Until today nobody knew how or why but they relate it too much to the sickness that all 3 of us have.

The second baby came out with her left arm still through the birth canal. The doctor realised that she was attached to the third baby (That was me). The second baby’s had her back of her palm attached to my neck. So as they were tugging her out, before realising that we were attached, my neck was being pulled and my nose & mouth was pushed against the womb. Good thing I haven’t started breathing through my nose and mouth yet.

The fact that I was as small as a rat made them decide that I would not live long enough to see the day break (I was born at night) So they cut the second baby free while I was still inside. That only means that the cut on my throat was rough and unattended.

As soon as the second baby was out, I slipped out without much effort at all. I was bleeding profusely like anyone would when your neck was cut like that. Since I was still breathing, they stitched me up really quick without any consideration of how the scar would be because they were so sure I would be dead not long after. The reason they have that mentality was that, my organs were the worse among us three. The second one was smaller but she was somewhat complete. Me on the other hand, I was the size of a rat therefore my organs were still developing and wasn’t complete. Ironically I didn’t need any incubation, I was breathing myself.

While the medical team were attending to the other two, I was left at the side for a while wrapped up, more because they do not know what to do with me. I wasn’t crying. But when you really think about it, how would I when I just had my neck wound. Since I wasn’t crying, I was suspected being deaf and mute.

And yet my two wonderful parents still wanted to adopt me. Which I am most grateful for since I become who I am today because of them. The agreement was that the second child was to be adopted. However, since the first one didn’t make it, the second child was for keeps and I was adopted.

My parents brought me up with such incredible upbringing. Unlike the second child, I wasn’t brought up reminded time and again that we are unhealthy and that we shouldn’t do this and that. My parents always encourage me to try everything I wanted and always reminded me that I’m no different from the rest and that I can always do it. I was never treated differently and I was never taught that a girl can’t do what the boys can. So I have grown up strong and quite confident with my own capabilities if I say so myself.

You may not know me as a person but I'm one hell of a special person because I live life against all odds when I wasn't supposed to even survive my first night in this world.


Today, we went for a drive. As usual, the ambience in the car was loud, happy & blessed with one kiddy song to another.

Too often, my daughter, whose 2 now (and has an opinion) stops us mid way if she doesn't like the song we chose to sing & made her own song request. My husband who loves singing,is so grateful that he has an audience now (& probably two of his biggest fan)requesting more of his singing!

As we drive, my son would be more than contented with my occasional attention while being busy with his own toys daggling down to his reach. My 2 year old sunshine on the other hand, needs constant attention & kept insisting on having us turn to look at what she was doing...

Then came a split second when she squealed "Mommy, daddy!! Look!!"

I froze & I guess it was too obvious that my husband suddenly became concern.

That was how I lost my parents.

When I was 9, I was talking non stop in the car. I remembered clearly. It was so crystal clear.

The radio was playing "Private Dancer" by Tina Turner. Mommy was singing along to it while daddy was smiling lovingly, appreciating her beautiful singing ( something I didn't inherit). I could still smell mommy's Poison Dior perfume.

Mommy was wearing red & daddy was wearing his blue & purple shirt that mom bought him for his birthday.

I was just wearing a a simple shirt with jeans. And a cap. Don't ask me why.

Sometimes you don't realize that the cliche syndrome of being the only child can exist in the most basic person. I haven't been spoilt, I had to earn my way to whatever I want since I was very young. Yet when it comes down to attention, I must have fallen in the typical cliche.

Anyway, we were joking about something I couldn't remember. Then I squealed "Mommy, daddy!!! Look!! "

Daddy who was driving turned to look very briefly. And I mean VERY briefly.
I was till cheekily giggling.

Then ... In an instance, probably the same second my beloved dad turned, I suddenly saw a gigantic truck, came out of no way, sliding diagonally towards us & in the speed of light crashed into us. Literally.

I saw that my parents didn't even see it coming. I saw that they didn't have the chance to turn back to face front. It was them looking at men& then BAM!!

.... Total darkness.

I didn't know what happened or why it happened or even where I was ... Time must have passed. I felt a gentle tap on my cheek as I slowly opened my eyes.

The first thing I saw was someone ( must have been a paramedic) covered my dad with a big green canvas looking fabric.

My eyes were hungry for info & they went on a rampage looking for my mom - I saw 3 men welding on something. Close to them, I recognized my mom's pants - her legs dangling in the most awkward position. I realised then that they were trying to free her. She must have been stuck.

Me? I saw all these from a view on the road with my right cheek warmed my the heat of the road. Possibly a slight abrasion too. I couldn't move my hands & I have no clue, neither did I care how I was. I couldn't even feel my legs & yet all I was concern about was if they ok.

A lady who was tapping on my cheek asked me if I could hear her. I could but I was too busy absorbing what was going on to even bother to answer her.

There were already one ambulance at the scene but I heard another loud siren & from a distance I saw another Ambulance Coming our way.

The sun was shiny. Someone accidentally kicked a piece of something that landed somewhere in front if me. It turned out to be one of the side mirror of my dad's car.

At an almost simultaneous moment, the ambulance siren wailed, there was suddenly a loud explosion ... The sun beamed into the mirror and it flashed straight into my eyes. I squinted at the bright while light .... Is this the bright light I was supposed to go to when I die?!

I felt my eyes closed. Then there was total silence in my ears....


I woke up to the noise of the heart monitor beeping too fast. I must had a nightmare. I was screaming & suddenly there were nurses holding me down telling me that everything was ok. Sally, one of the nurse held me tight and rock back and forth like a baby.

I did calm down. She sat me back me to my bed & held cupped my face with her hands. “Did you have a nightmare?”

“Where are my parents?” I asked, pushing her hands away from my face.

“Oh honey ….” But that was all she said & she stood up. What was that supposed to mean??! Apparently she went to get my doctor who came and told me that I’ve lost both my parents in a car crash. It was a drunk driving incident. The driver of the truck was driving & swayed into our path. He was also critical but he survived.

Unfortunate for me, I became paralysed waist down.
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My mom was an incredible woman. I’ve always wanted to be like her. She was a managing director and she had her own company. She was also a mother. She took me to her office since I was a baby. I guess she got away with it since she was the boss. I grew up in a small room attached to her office. She can see and hear me when I cry and attended to me. When she was having a meeting, she would assign someone to attend to me, should I wake up before her meeting ends. I grew up being with her, watching her and admiring her. When she signed cheque, I would too but only on a booklet made up by her. I was very proud of it and actually thought it was the real thing. She taught me to be an entrepreneur- not to be afraid to be a mother and a business woman. She always reminds me that there is nothing men can do that I couldn’t.

My dad was an all American lad. They fell in love when he travelled to Australia for an outback experience taking a break from  a very stressful occupation back home. They met and  somehow was sure that they have met THE ONE. Throughout my whole childhood I have never seen or heard them argue. If they do, they did a pretty good job doing it when I wasn’t around. They were always very loving to each other and I always thought one day I would find such a relationship-I grew up thinking it’s pretty normal to have what they have.

They were saints for wanting a child who was "said to be" a runt, deaf and mute. They took me anyway. They couldn’t have a child of their own and was very grateful to have me. At the same time, I was never spoilt. I have to earn everything I want. They believe that to love me is to prepare me for the world and spoiling me will not do me any favours. They taught me things in life thru leading things themselves as example.

There are things which they were a bit extreme , I feel. They do not buy me toys. I was encourage to make my own toys. Daddy had a hand for carpentry and was always encouraging me to create a car, a truck, whatever tickle my fancy. If I want something, I make them, we do not buy them. In a lot of ways, that could be the reason why I am creative now. It forces me to think outside the box in play. They are very much generous with educational things though so I never stop learning.

My dad was an unbelievable human being. He taught me that we can always make a difference. Remember I said I have to earn to get anything. Once I wanted a bicycle. He said he would give me a dime for every chore I do in the house. I finally collected enough to buy a bike. On the way to the shop, we walked passed a homeless old lady, sitting on the cold bench. It was winter so she was frozen white and she was holding out her wrinkly old hand for some change. Daddy asked why she was out there since it was too cold. And she said, she had a bad rift with her children and they abandoned her. What could she have done for them to abandon her. Must be very wrong.

My dad was talking to her for a while. He was one who believes in second chances. He asked if she could handle a hyper kid like me. I was a bit confused. She said yes. He told her that they were very hands on with me, all he needed her to do was to cook and clean if she was interested. You should see the way her eyes lit up. I was still confused. What happens to not talking to strangers?  Daddy sat me down and talked to me one night about how sometimes you should not ignore your instinct and to see the good in people. He saw the good in her somehow and decided to take her home with us. Complete stranger!! Daddy promised her a shelter and food & love from all of us. And that was enough for her. Daddy told her that whatever she did that made her children abandon her, she has a chance to redeem herself here. She was delighted. I thought my dad was insane for doing that. But my dad has a big heart. Too big sometimes.

We started calling her nana. She did all the cleaning and cooking. She cooked very well and she loves me like her own. She was also not afraid to discipline me if I was trying to get away with something with her. Eventually she became family. We do everything together. And she was always grateful that we rescued her from the street and now she had a family.

That wasn’t the only incident. Sometime near Christmas time, we were at a shopping area when daddy’s wallet was stolen. Dad who was aware of it, gave chase and pushed him against the floor. He asked him why he did it and the aboriginal man said that he has 6 little kids to feed and he had grown desperate after being retrenched. Daddy offered him security of a shelter and food & asked him to turnover a new leaf. His name is Miro. He became our gardener. All of a sudden, daddy was taking care of another set of family.

Mind you, you would need to be able to afford taking care of these people before you can do so. It’s not for everyone. Both my parents had high ranking jobs which was lucrative. Money was never an issue and yes you may wonder why they haven’t spoilt me like most Richie rich would do.

They were being very careful not to spoil me on material. I had to earn my way to get anything I want & I was always taught to respect the less fortunate.

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